
Bandscape v1.0 Features

More features than you can shake a drum-stick at....

Band Member Bios

Add/Edit Biographies

Adding biography information for band members is a snap. You can throw in a picture as well. Editing, hiding and fully removing a band member is just as easy. Not that we ever want you to kick out band members.

Event Calendar

Event Calendar System

Let fans know where they can see you! Easily schedule events and provide notes, venue links and mapping information. Events can be presented in a traditional calendar format, or a simple taabular list. Keep past events active so fans can look back and relive those great memories.

Easy Text Editing

Easy Text Editing

Editing certain pages, or portions of pages, is just as easy as using your favorite word-processor. You can quickly update content and formatting any time. Don't worry, the formatting options are designed to keep the look and feel of your site intact.

Simple News Blog with RSS

Simple News/Blog System

Keep fans updated with what you're doing every day with the simple news/blog system. Fans can subscribe to your news feed, via RSS, and follow you wherever they go.

Photo and Video Gallery

Photo/Video Gallery

Add, and organize, photos and short videos of you and/or your band. Bandscape uses a version of the popular Coppermine photo gallery system. You can create a new album and upload a bunch of pictures in just minutes.

Discography Manager

Discography Manager

Organize all your EP, CD, DVD, 8-track.... well, all your releases. The Discography manager allows you to add all sorts of information about each disc. Go ahead, enter those long liner notes! You can also attach short audio clips to each track.

Admin User Management

Admin User Management

Create administrative accounts for all band members so everyone can update content from anywhere.

Fan Communication

Fan Communication

Fan communication is a two-way street. Bandscape provides a Guestbook that anyone can leave a note on. In addition, you can allow fans to signup for email newsletters. Send email to all fans right from Bandscape or export the mailing list to your favorite email program.

Sidebar Widgets

All sites will have a Sidebar available where you can enable a wide range of nifty little widgets.
The available widgets are:

  • Upcoming Events - shows the next few calendar events
  • News Briefs - shows titles of the last few News posts
  • Latest Disc - show the most recent CD/DVD release
  • Featured Bio - randomly shows a band member
  • Audio Player - loads a playlist of audio clips you define
  • 3rd-Party Links - provide links to your other websites
         (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter etc.)
Bandscape 1.5 information
Bandscape is copyright © 2009 by Michael Miner. All rights reserved.